Have you thought about e-Therapy?

Being a psychology practice the health and wellbeing of our clients is and always has been our top priority here at LifeConnect. We have been monitoring the developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and will continue to do so.

At this stage, we have not been advised of any client to our practice having, or having been in contact with, a confirmed case of COVID-19.

For clients who are unable to attend due to COVID-19, to ensure the continuation of the therapy process all our therapists can provide e-Therapy through the use of Skype or Facetime at your scheduled appointment time. 

Please take reasonable precautions 
Our Prime Minister has asked everyone to carry on as usual if they are feeling well and the sessions at LifeConnect will continue as usual. However, we ask that our clients ensure that the following basic protective measures, as advised by the World Health Organisation, are carried out:

  • Regular and thorough hand cleaning with an alcohol-based hand rub or hand-washing with soap and water.

  • Social distancing - at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance from anyone that is coughing or sneezing.

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter the body.

  • Good respiratory hygiene – covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

How LifeConnect can continue to support you
If you have recently been to Melbourne and/or have even mild cold or flu-like symptoms please refrain from attending your session at LifeConnect in person, and talk to us about arranging e-Therapy. 

All our therapists are able to provide e-Therapy through the use of Skype or Facetime at the scheduled appointment time. 

This also applies if self-isolation or being in quarantine end up affecting your ability to attend your therapy session face-to-face. 

Please contact our practice manager on 02 99226699 or email if you have any further questions.

Tips for coping with coronavirus anxiety
This information sheet outlines some useful strategies which can help both adults and children cope with the stress or anxiety experienced as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. 
Download Tips for coping with coronavirus anxiety.

Tips for online therapy
For more information on online therapy and how to prepare for online sessions, see our blog on Tips for Online Therapy.



NB. Medicare rebates may apply for Telehealth consultations.

Lonneke van der Laan